My first daughter Salma,born in Cairo feb 1997 ,she is already now in the prep school she is very sensitive
but she is very inteligent at school.
La mia prima figlia Salma,nata al Cairo 1997 feb,va gia a soula media lei e'
molto sensible ma molto intelegente a scuola.

She is Somia my second daughter,born in Cairo on may 1998,now she is finishing the elementary school,she is always smiley
and driving me mad because of her tricks.
Lei e' Somia la seconda,nata al Cairo maggio 1998,l'anno prossimo finira
la scuola elementare,lei e' un tipo sempre sorridente mi fa sempre impazzire.


Sama is my last baby,she was born oct 2000,She is the naughty one,she does not like to leave me alone and quite. Sama
e' l'ultima,e' nata ottobre 200,lei e' un tipo incontrolabile,non le piacce lasciarmi in pace un momento.